Improve Horse Balance with These Essential Exercises - Horse Training Guide (2024)

Balance exercises are not only important for humans but also for horses. These exercises play a crucial role in horse training as they improve coordination, strengthen core muscles, and enhance stability and balance. By incorporating various types of balance exercises into their training regimen, horses can experience improved performance and athleticism. Groundwork exercises, under-saddle exercises, and gymnastic jumping exercises are some of the different types of balance exercises that can benefit horses. To effectively incorporate balance exercises into horse training, it is essential to start with basic exercises, use proper equipment, progress gradually, and seek professional guidance. Ensuring safety and success involves incorporating warm-up and cool-down routines, listening to the horse’s cues, maintaining consistency in training, and monitoring progress to adjust accordingly. By prioritizing balance exercises, horse owners and trainers can enhance their horses’ overall well-being and performance.

Table of Contents

Key takeaways:

  • Improved coordination and body awareness: Horse balance exercises help horses develop better coordination and body awareness, leading to improved performance and reduced risk of injury.
  • Strengthening core muscles: Balance exercises engage and strengthen core muscles in horses, which is essential for overall stability and posture.
  • Increased stability and balance: Regular practice of horse balance exercises helps horses improve their stability and balance, resulting in better control and responsiveness under saddle.

Why are Balance Exercises Important for Horses?

Balance exercises are crucial for horses as they improve their stability, coordination, and overall performance. By engaging the core muscles, these exercises enhance the horse’s ability to maintain balance, leading to a more controlled and collected movement. Balance exercises help prevent injuries and aid in the rehabilitation process. Incorporate exercises like shoulder-in, leg-yield, and hill work into your horse’s training routine to cultivate their balance. A friend of mine had a horse who struggled with balance issues. After incorporating regular balance exercises into their training, the horse’s overall coordination and performance significantly improved, allowing them to excel in their competitions. Why are Balance Exercises Important for Horses?

What is the Role of Balance in Horse Training?

Balance plays a crucial role in horse training as it ensures proper coordination, stability, and athleticism in horses. It allows them to perform various exercises and movements with precision and control. With good balance, horses are less likely to stumble or lose their footing, reducing the risk of injury. Balance exercises help strengthen core muscles, improve body awareness, and enhance performance. By incorporating these exercises into horse training, riders can develop a horse’s balance gradually and systematically. Professional guidance, proper equipment, and consistency are key in training for optimal results. Monitoring progress and making necessary adjustments is also important for continued improvement.

So, what is the role of balance in horse training? Well, balance plays a vital role as it ensures proper coordination, stability, and athleticism in horses. It allows them to perform various exercises and movements with precision and control, reducing the risk of injury. Balance exercises help strengthen core muscles, improve body awareness, and enhance performance. By incorporating these exercises into horse training, riders can gradually and systematically develop a horse’s balance. Professional guidance, proper equipment, and consistency are key in training for optimal results. It is also crucial to monitor progress and make necessary adjustments for continued improvement.

Types of Horse Balance Exercises

Discover the world of horse balance exercises and take your equestrian training to the next level. In this section, we will dive into the different types of exercises that can help improve your horse’s balance and coordination. From groundwork exercises to under-saddle techniques, and even the exhilarating gymnastic jumping exercises, each sub-section offers a unique approach to develop strength, flexibility, and agility in your equine partner. Get ready to explore these exercises and enhance your bond with your horse!

1. Groundwork Exercises

  1. Groundwork exercises are crucial for constructing a solid foundation and establishing trust between horse and rider. Here are some steps to seamlessly incorporate groundwork exercises into your horse training routine:
  2. Begin with foundational exercises like leading, lunging, and desensitization. These exercises are vital for establishing communication and cultivating respect.
  3. Ensure that you use appropriate equipment, including a well-fitting halter, lead rope, and training aids if necessary.
  4. Gradually progress by introducing new challenges and building upon the exercises that your horse has mastered.
  5. It is highly recommended to seek professional guidance from a qualified trainer or instructor who can offer valuable guidance and feedback.

Historical fact: Groundwork exercises have been an integral part of horse training for centuries. Ancient civilizations such as the Greeks and Romans recognized the significance of groundwork in developing well-rounded and balanced horses. They engaged in exercises like longeing and ground driving to foster obedience, athleticism, and trust. Nowadays, groundwork exercises continue to serve as a fundamental component of horse training methodologies, benefitting both the horse and the rider.

2. Under-Saddle Exercises

  1. Under-saddle exercises are crucial for improving a horse’s balance and developing their strength and coordination. Here are some steps to incorporate under-saddle exercises into your horse training routine:
  2. Warm up your horse with some light trotting or walking to prepare their muscles.
  3. Start with basic exercises such as circles, serpentines, and figure eights to engage different muscle groups.
  4. Practice transitions between gaits, such as walk to trot or trot to canter, to encourage balance and agility.
  5. Incorporate lateral movements like leg yield or shoulder-in to encourage suppleness and engagement of the hindquarters.
  6. Gradually increase the difficulty of the exercises as your horse becomes more advanced and confident.
  7. Use proper equipment like a well-fitted saddle and bridle to ensure comfort and freedom of movement for your horse.
  8. Seek professional guidance from a qualified trainer or instructor to help you refine your technique and provide feedback.

By incorporating under-saddle exercises into your horse training routine, you can greatly improve your horse’s balance, strength, and overall performance.

3. Gymnastic Jumping Exercises

  1. Begin by incorporating gymnastic jumping exercises into your horse balance training routine. These exercises are highly valuable as they help improve coordination, strengthen muscles, and enhance your horse’s stability and balance.
  2. Gradually increase the difficulty level of the exercises as your horse progresses in their training. Start with simpler exercises and then move on to more challenging ones.
  3. Prior to starting the exercises, it is important to ensure that your horse is adequately warmed up. This will help prevent injuries and allow for better performance during the training session.
  4. Make use of proper equipment when setting up the jumps. This includes using appropriate jump heights and quality jump materials. The right equipment is necessary for a safe and effective training session.
  5. Monitor your horse’s progress throughout the training process and adjust the exercises as needed. Every horse is different, so it’s essential to observe how they are responding and make necessary modifications.
  6. For proper technique and safety, it is recommended to seek professional guidance. Consult with an experienced instructor or trainer who can provide expert advice on gymnastic jumping exercises.

Benefits of Horse Balance Exercises

Discover the incredible benefits of horse balance exercises and unlock your equestrian potential. From improved coordination and body awareness to strengthening core muscles, increased stability, and enhanced performance, these exercises are a game-changer for riders. Prepare to elevate your athleticism and experience the power of a balanced connection with your horse. It’s time to saddle up and embark on a journey to greater horsemanship and success in the saddle. Let’s dive into the world of horse balance exercises and explore the transformative effects they can have on your riding journey.

1. Improved Coordination and Body Awareness

Improved coordination and body awareness play a crucial role in the overall performance and well-being of horses. To enhance these skills, it is important to incorporate the following steps into your horse training routine:

  1. Begin with basic exercises: Initiate your training sessions with simple exercises that are designed to focus on improving balance and coordination. Examples include walking over poles or maneuvering around cones.
  2. Utilize proper equipment: Make sure to utilize appropriate equipment, such as lunge lines or balance pads, to aid in the development of coordination and body awareness.
  3. Gradually progress: As your horse’s coordination and body awareness improve, gradually increase the level of difficulty and intensity of the exercises.
  4. Seek professional guidance: It is highly recommended to consult with a qualified trainer or instructor who specializes in horse balance exercises. They can provide proper technique guidance and monitor your horse’s progress.

By following these steps, you can assist your horse in developing improved coordination and body awareness, leading to enhanced performance and overall athleticism.

2. Strengthening Core Muscles

To enhance the core muscles of a horse and improve their overall performance and well-being, it is essential to follow these steps in their training routine:

  1. Begin with engaging in groundwork exercises such as lunging and long-lining. These exercises encourage the horse to activate and strengthen their core muscles naturally.
  2. Incorporate lateral movements like leg yields and shoulder-in into their training. These movements are effective in activating the core muscles and adding strength.
  3. Include exercises that focus on engaging the horse’s abdominal muscles, such as backing up and performing transitions between gaits. These exercises further strengthen their core.
  4. Introduce pole work and cavaletti exercises. These exercises enhance balance and core strength, contributing to the overall development of the horse.
  5. Progressively increase the difficulty and intensity of the exercises over time to ensure the continuous challenge to the horse’s core muscles.

Strengthening the core muscles in horses is of utmost importance and has been recognized for ages as a fundamental aspect of their training. Both the ancient Greeks and Romans understood this concept and incorporated it into their horse training methods. They focused on exercises on the longe line and worked with raised poles to develop the strength and balance of their horses. Today, these techniques have evolved and are an integral part of modern horse training methods. By implementing them, we can enhance the athleticism and extend the longevity of these magnificent animals.

3. Increased Stability and Balance

In order to enhance stability and balance in horses, it is crucial to incorporate certain exercises into their training regimen. These exercises can benefit horses as they engage in various activities, such as riding, jumping, and racing. Here are some exercises that can help improve stability and balance in horses:

  1. Groundwork Exercises: Wandering over poles, performing back-up exercises, and circling at different speeds are all effective methods to enhance stability and balance.

  2. Under-Saddle Exercises: Implementing transitions, shoulder-in movements, leg yields, and half-halts can significantly improve the horse’s core strength and balance while being ridden.

  3. Gymnastic Jumping Exercises: Introducing cavelletti or small jumps in a gymnastic grid can effectively challenge the horse’s balance and coordination.

By consistently including these exercises in their training routine, both horse owners and riders can contribute to the development of enhanced stability and balance in horses. This, in turn, will lead to improved performance and overall athleticism.

4. Enhanced Performance and Athleticism

Enhanced performance and athleticism are key benefits of incorporating balance exercises into horse training. These exercises improve coordination, strengthen core muscles, increase stability, and enhance overall physical abilities. By developing a strong foundation of balance, horses are able to perform tasks with greater precision, agility, and grace. Whether it’s navigating obstacles, executing complex movements, or competing in various disciplines, a well-balanced horse is more likely to excel and reach its full athletic potential. Incorporating a variety of balance exercises into training programs and ensuring consistency and progress are crucial for achieving these enhanced performance and athleticism goals.

The importance of balance in horse training has been recognized throughout history. Ancient equestrian cultures, such as the Greeks and Romans, understood that a balanced horse was essential for war and sport. Even in the earliest days of horsemanship, riders and trainers recognized that a horse’s ability to maintain equilibrium and harmony was directly linked to its performance and athletic prowess. This understanding has been passed down through generations of equestrians, shaping the development of balance exercises and training techniques that continue to benefit horses to this day.

How to Incorporate Balance Exercises into Horse Training

Looking to enhance your horse training routine? Discover how to seamlessly integrate balance exercises into your horse’s training regimen. From starting with basic exercises to utilizing proper equipment and progressing gradually, we’ll guide you through the process. We’ll highlight the importance of seeking professional guidance, listening to your horse, maintaining consistency, and monitoring progress. Get ready to take your horse training to the next level and achieve optimal balance and coordination.

1. Start with Basic Exercises

When incorporating balance exercises into horse training, it is crucial to initiate the process with fundamental exercises. Here are a few steps to follow:

  1. Commence by engaging in straightforward exercises that primarily focus on stability, such as standing squarely and walking in a straight line.
  2. Gradually introduce exercises that not only challenge balance but also emphasize it, such as circling and serpentines at a walking pace.
  3. Once the horse has become accustomed to the basic exercises, it is time to advance to more intricate movements, such as leg-yields and shoulder-in at a trot.
  4. To add variety and further enhance balance, incorporate different surfaces and terrains during the exercises.

Always bear in mind the importance of attentively observing your horse’s response, maintaining consistency in training, and monitoring progress. Should the need arise, seek professional guidance to ensure both safety and success.

2. Use Proper Equipment

Using proper equipment is crucial when incorporating balance exercises into horse training. Here are some steps to guarantee that you are utilizing the appropriate equipment:

  1. Assess the specific needs of your horse and the type of exercise you are planning to do.

  2. Invest in high-quality equipment that is specifically designed for balance exercises, such as balance pads, poles, or equine balance boards.

  3. Ensure that the equipment is properly fitted to your horse and is in good condition.

  4. Follow manufacturer instructions for setting up and using the equipment.

  5. Start with simple exercises and gradually increase the difficulty as your horse becomes more comfortable and balanced.

The use of proper equipment in horse training has always been important. Centuries ago, horsem*n relied on well-fitted saddles, bridles, and other tools to ensure the safety and comfort of their horses during balance exercises. Today, advancements in equine equipment continue to provide trainers with a wide range of options to enhance their horse’s training and performance. By using proper equipment, trainers can help their horses develop better balance, coordination, and overall fitness.

3. Progress Gradually

Progressing gradually is crucial when incorporating balance exercises into horse training. It is important to progress gradually in order to ensure the horse’s safety and success. Rushing or pushing the horse too quickly can lead to injuries or setbacks in their progress. Therefore, it is recommended to start with basic exercises like leg yields and shoulder-in and gradually increase the difficulty and intensity. During the training, it is essential to pay attention to the horse’s response and adjust the exercises accordingly. To maintain balance and proper form, it can be helpful to use proper equipment such as surcingle or side reins. Seeking guidance from a professional trainer or instructor will also contribute to correct technique and progression. Monitoring the horse’s progress and making necessary adjustments is key to their overall safety and success in mastering balance exercises.

In the early 1900s, renowned horse trainer Frederico Grisone emphasized the importance of progress gradually in horse training. Grisone firmly believed that rushing the training process was harmful to the horse’s well-being and performance. His approach focused on patiently building trust, strength, and balance through carefully planned exercises. Even today, Grisone’s principles continue to be influential in modern horse training methodologies, underscoring the significance of progressing gradually to ensure the horse’s safety and success.

4. Seek Professional Guidance

When it comes to incorporating balance exercises into your horse training routine, it’s essential to seek professional guidance. The expertise of a qualified trainer or coach is invaluable in providing guidance on proper technique, progression, and safety precautions. They will assess your horse’s individual needs and abilities to tailor the exercises accordingly. Moreover, professional guidance ensures that you utilize the correct equipment and apply the exercises correctly, maximizing their effectiveness. Always prioritize safety when working with horses, and having a knowledgeable professional by your side will help prevent injuries and ensure success in your training journey.

Warm-up and Cool-down

To ensure the well-being of your horse during exercise, it is critical to incorporate warm-up and cool-down routines. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Warm-up: Initiate by walking your horse for 5-10 minutes to enhance heart rate and blood flow.
  2. Stretching: Perform gentle stretches to warm up muscles and enhance flexibility.
  3. Slow trot: Gradually elevate the pace to a steady trot, enabling your horse to warm up further.
  4. Cool-down: After exercising, gradually diminish the intensity by transitioning from a trot to a walk.
  5. Walk it out: Permit your horse to walk for 5-10 minutes to cool down and restore the heart rate to normal.
  6. Stretching: Conclude with gentle stretches to assist in muscle recovery.

2. Listen to Your Horse

When incorporating balance exercises into horse training, it is crucial to listen to your horse. Pay attention to their body language and reactions to determine if they are comfortable and receptive to the exercises. If your horse is showing signs of discomfort or resistance, it is important to adjust your training approach accordingly. This not only ensures their well-being but also helps maintain a positive training experience. Building a strong communication bond with your horse and understanding their needs is essential for successful training.

When integrating balance exercises into horse training, it is vital to carefully listen to your horse. Pay close attention to their body language and reactions to ascertain whether they are comfortable and open to the exercises. If your horse exhibits any signs of discomfort or resistance, it is crucial to adapt your training approach accordingly. This not only guarantees their well-being but also contributes to maintaining a positive training experience. Establishing a strong communication bond with your horse and comprehending their requirements is imperative for successful training.

3. Be Consistent with Training

  1. Consistency is key when it comes to training horses. By incorporating balance exercises into your horse’s routine and sticking to a consistent training schedule, you can achieve better results. Here are some tips to help you be consistent with training:

    1. Set a regular training schedule and stick to it. Consistency in training helps horses understand what is expected of them and builds a routine.

    2. Focus on one aspect of training at a time. Break down exercises into small steps and consistently work on each step before moving on to the next.

    3. Be patient. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a well-trained horse. Consistently working on exercises over time will yield positive results.

    4. Monitor progress and make adjustments as needed. Consistency doesn’t mean doing the same thing over and over. It means being adaptable and making changes based on your horse’s needs.

  2. Throughout the centuries, successful horse trainers have emphasized the importance of consistency in training. From the ancient Greeks to modern-day equestrians, the principle of regular and consistent training has been passed down through generations. It is a testament to the timeless wisdom that consistency is the cornerstone of effective horse training. The bond between horse and rider is strengthened through consistent training, leading to a harmonious partnership and outstanding performance. So, remember, be consistent with training, and you will reap the rewards.

4. Monitor Progress and Adjust Accordingly

  1. Monitor progress: Regularly observe your horse’s performance and behavior during training sessions.
  2. Adjust accordingly: Keep a record of your horse’s improvements and areas that need further development, and modify exercises, intensity, and duration based on their needs.
  3. Seek professional guidance: Consult a knowledgeable trainer or equine expert for feedback and advice on monitoring progress and making necessary adjustments.

Pro-tip: By monitoring progress and adjusting accordingly, you can optimize your horse’s training regimen and achieve the desired results.

Some Facts About Horse Balance Exercises:

  • ✅ Balancing issues can occur in horses when carrying a rider’s weight. (Source:
  • ✅ Signs of an unbalanced horse include crooked movements, picking up the wrong lead, and difficulty riding on the bit. (Source:
  • ✅ Simple exercises involving changes of direction can improve a horse’s balance, starting with a walk and using transitions to re-balance if necessary. (Source:
  • ✅ Whole body vibration therapy on a vibrating platform can benefit an unbalanced horse by improving back muscles, healing ligaments, and promoting suppleness. (Source:
  • ✅ Rhythm training is important for improving a horse’s balance. (Source:

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I improve my horse’s balance during training?

To improve your horse’s balance during training, you can try various exercises and techniques. One approach is to focus on the scales of training, which include rhythm, suppleness, contact, impulsion, straightness, and collection. Simple exercises involving a change of direction can also help improve balance, starting with a walk and using transitions to re-balance if necessary.

2. Are there any specific exercises that can help strengthen my horse’s back muscles and promote suppleness?

Yes, there are exercises that specifically target the strengthening of back muscles and promoting suppleness in horses. One effective method is whole body vibration therapy on a vibrating platform, such as Vitafloor. This therapy can benefit an unbalanced horse by improving back muscles, healing ligaments, relieving stress and pain, treating bucked shins, increasing bone density, and promoting suppleness.

3. How can I ensure that my horse carries its weight evenly and moves in balance?

As a rider, you play a vital role in ensuring that your horse carries its weight evenly and moves in balance. It is essential to focus on straightness, which helps develop muscles evenly on both sides of your horse’s body. Additionally, you can teach your horse to distribute weight equally on all four feet and move freely by using the scales of training and incorporating balancing exercises into your training sessions.

4. Why is balance important in dressage training for both horses and riders?

Balance is crucial in dressage training for both horses and riders because it allows horses to move freely and efficiently while carrying the rider’s weight. Horses with natural imbalances, such as being more on the forehand or stronger on one side, can benefit greatly from exercises that focus on balance. Riders also need to maintain their own balance, as it affects their confidence and ability to move with the horse.

5. How can I improve my own balance as a rider?

Improving your own balance as a rider is essential for effective communication with your horse and preventing falls and injuries, especially as you age. You can focus on exercises that enhance proprioception, which is the ability to sense your body’s position in space. Swiss ball exercises, as included in the Dressage Rider Training program, can help improve balance and muscle coordination in riders.

6. Can whole body vibration therapy on a vibrating platform benefit my horse’s balance and overall well-being?

Yes, whole body vibration therapy on a vibrating platform, such as Vitafloor, can benefit your horse’s balance and overall well-being. This therapy helps improve back muscles, heal ligaments, relieve stress and pain, treat bucked shins, increase bone density, and promote suppleness. Incorporating this therapy into your horse’s training routine can yield significant improvements in balance and overall performance.

Improve Horse Balance with These Essential Exercises - Horse Training Guide (2024)


Improve Horse Balance with These Essential Exercises - Horse Training Guide? ›

Down, Up, Up. Improve balance and feel of your horse while developing a secure leg. When you post, you typically post down, up, down, up, down, up, right? To do this exercise at the trot

The trot is a two-beat diagonal horse gait where the diagonal pairs of legs move forward at the same time with a moment of suspension between each beat. It has a wide variation in possible speeds, but averages about 13 kilometres per hour (8.1 mph). A very slow trot is sometimes referred to as a jog. › wiki › Trot
, which we call “Down, Up, Up,” you post down, then stay up in the air for two beats.

How do you exercise a horse to improve balance? ›

Spiraling in and out of a 20-meter circle is a really simple way of increasing the engagement of your horse's hindquarters, thereby improving his balance. Place a cone or some other marker where you want the center of your circle to be and ride a 20-meter circle around it, keeping the cone as the center point.

How do I improve my horseback balance? ›

Skipping: This exercise is perfect for cross-coordination of your legs and arms. A strong cross-coordination helps you have a better balance on the horse. Skip and push off with one foot while lifting the other one. Reach across your body with the opposite arm and repeat it with opposite leg-arm.

How do you balance a horse for beginners? ›

Make sure you're sitting up straight and keeping your shoulders relaxed. Allow your body to communicate with the horse so that you can adjust your balance as you ride. Do not arch your back or hunch. You may find it helpful to have someone take a photo of you in the saddle so you can see and analyze your own alignment.

What exercises can I do to strengthen my horse? ›

Walk, trot, and canter poles all work different areas of the horse but have one thing in common: they help to strengthen the hind end and improve the way of going by working the entire topline and helping the horse to engage his core and lift his shoulders. Helloooo muscles!

What makes a horse balanced? ›

1) Bio-mechanics – Horses use their neck and head to balance. As the horse moves, the neck and head swing over each front foot as it comes forward. So, as the right front foot comes forward, the neck and head swing to the right. As the left front foot comes forward, the neck and head swing the left.

What is a good balance on a horse? ›

To be balanced, you need to have a correct riding position—you need to be sitting equally on both of your seat bones, centered in your body and strong in your middle part”. Thus, an unbalanced rider is not able to ride the horse in balance. Instead, the horse needs to concentrate on balancing his or her rider.

What to do with an unbalanced horse? ›

Simply cantering over raised poles on a circle or straight line is great for getting the hind end to be more active and helping your horse to lift the topline. You can also set up poles for your horse to lunge over so that he can begin to find his balance without the help of the rider.

What causes horses to lose balance? ›

The Answer. A Balance problems often indicate a neurological condition. I'd recommend a full neurological exam performed by a board-certified internal medicine specialist (a veterinarian with additional training in equine neurological disease).

What is the best balancer for horses to gain weight? ›

Adding highly digestible fibre sources such as sugar beet is beneficial for promoting weight gain in horses. Dengie Alfa-Beet is an ideal feed for underweight horses as it combines alfalfa with unmolassed sugar beet. Studies have shown this also helps to improve the digestibility of other fibre sources in the diet.

What is the first step to training a horse? ›

The first step in doing this is to teach the horse to give to the bit, period. Always start out at the standstill, and then progress through the gaits as the horse understands. The ultimate goal is collection, but right now it is just a soft feel.

What are bad horse training techniques? ›

Measures Most Horsem*n Can Agree Are, by Definition, Abusive:
  • Hang-tying to break down a horse's resistance and promote a lowered head carriage (by exhausting the neck muscles).
  • Riding or longeing to exhaustion (far beyond the length of time needed to “get the fresh out”).
May 31, 2011

What exercises strengthen a horse's hind end? ›

6 Simple Exercises to Strengthen Your Horse's Hind Quarters
  1. Stretch the leg forward as if you are trying to touch the opposite front leg with the back hoof.
  2. Stretch the leg backward like you would if you were cleaning out his hoof. ...
  3. Stretch into high flexion. ...
  4. “Baited Carrot” stretches.

Can you get a horse fit in 2 weeks? ›

It will normally take around 8–10 weeks to get a field-kept horse back up to their former level of fitness, although it could take a little longer if they have been injured. The horse fitness schedule goes as follows: Week 1: Walking in-hand. Week 2: Walking under saddle.

What causes a horse to be unsteady on their feet? ›

ATAXIA refers to incoordination, which can affect one or more of the limbs and also the neck and body. While this complex condition can result from problems with the vestibular apparatus in the inner ear, or in a part of the brain called the cerebellum, ataxia often arises due to an issue in the spinal cord.

Why is my horse unsteady on his feet? ›

Spinal Cord Damage.

If your horse wobbles when walking, spinal cord damage could be the culprit. The damage may be related to a fall, illness, infection, or malformed cervical vertebrae.

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.